Tin Can Taco Soup = Cold Weather Comfort + Uncanny Convenience

Recipe Alert!

(Pay attention, people, because this recipe sharing business won’t happen very often…)

On cold nights, nothing warms our family like a delicious, hearty bowl of Tin Can Taco Soup.  It’s a crowd pleaser (read: kid approved), embarrassingly easy to prepare, and leaves enough leftovers for a yummy lunch or two.  What’s more, it’s ready in less than 30 minutes and can be adjusted to fit your family’s palette.  Truth be told, I love this soup so much that I make it a little too often (once a week if I can get away with it), and topped with Fritos and a touch of sour cream, it’s a bowl of convenient culinary perfection.


1 lb. ground turkey or lean beef
1 package taco seasoning
3 cans stewed tomatoes
1 can Ranch Style beans
1 can pinto beans
1 can whole kernel corn (drained)
1 can hominy (drained)
3 cans water

  1. Brown ground meat over medium-high heat until thoroughly cooked.
  2. Add all canned goods. (Opening the cans first is an excellent idea.)
  3. Add three cans of water.  (Why dirty a measuring cup when your empty can works just fine?)
  4. Add taco seasoning and stir well.
  5. Simmer over medium heat until warm and serve with toppings.

Bonus points: Serve Tin Can Taco Soup with a fun toppings bar including sour cream, shredded cheese, diced avocado, sliced black olives, diced green chilis, Fritos corn chips (tortilla chips are good, but Fritos are better), and whatever else you have lying around.

You can easily make this a meatless option, and the beans provide plenty of heartiness on their own.

As I mentioned, this is a ridiculously easy recipe – it basically requires you to open cans and brown meat.  I never promised gourmet, and Being Bon Mot clearly isn’t a food blog.  But busy moms need culinary inspiration sometimes, and I’d argue you can find it in a tin can.

Please let me know what you think of Tin Can Taco Soup if you try it, and report back on any fun or interesting toppings you discover.  Also, shout-out to my bestie, Jessica, for sharing this recipe with me so many years ago.  And for her patience with my texting her to report every time I make it…