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I’m a shameless reality television fan. I love it. Judge me if you must, but there’s something about a glimpse into the lives of other people that just fascinates me. I get that ‘real’ is relative, but I just don’t care.
I started watching The Real World on MTV during its first season and haven’t looked back since 1992. The idea that seven people would have their lives taped, stop being polite, and start getting real was all I needed. Then I followed them out on the road in an RV for the ride of their lives. Right about the time I decided I was getting too old for MTV, Bravo started airing The Real Housewives franchise.
The Real Housewives of Dallas strikes a particular chord with me, and I’m obsessed! First, I live in Dallas so I’m enamoured with the Dallas-ness of the show. I’m constantly trying to figure out locations and recognize people in the background when they’re shooting. Also, I’m only a degree or two of Kevin Bacon away from most of the cast. I hosted LeeAnn Locken and Kameron Westcott on campus last year and had THE BEST time chatting them up about the show.

RHOD represents the ultimate in Dallas lifestyle. It’s all about glamour, opulence, and the nuance of ‘everything bigger.’ And you know I’m here for it. Being Bon Mot represents a shade of real life just to the left of decadence and complete-put-togetherness. Won’t it be fun to inject a real real perspective into a Housewives recap?
Speaking of injections — do we think we’ll miss Cary this season?
So listen, y’all, meet me back here after every episode of RHOD for the dish. I promise to do my best to stop being polite and start getting real…