RHOD Recap Episodes 4 & 5

You said it, Kary! The button-pushing continues on the girls’ trip to Mexico. Here’s everything you need to know to catch up.

It’s two-for-one week everyone! So sorry to be MIA – I had to do professor work and mom for a minute. We’ve missed the drama, and I’m so grateful that you are back for the recap. Our favorite Housewives are still in Careyes, and from where I’m standing, this trip is all about tequila, tortilla chips, and very weird self-care. So here’s the skinny…

The Polo Match

Kari schedules a private polo match (who knew this was even possible?!?) to make Stephanie’s Pretty Woman dreams come true, and hijinks ensue. First, in the absence of close bathrooms, the ladies decided to duck behind a trailer for their potty break.

After that, everyone works out their grown-up cartwheel skills and pays very little attention to the actual polo match.

We learn that Kameron’s dad was a professional polo player in California. We also find out that Brandi and Brian used to own a polo center in north Dallas (you know there’s a story here…). And we meet my spirit animal, Suzanne, the lady who manages the polo operation.

The Dinner

Dinner out at the restaurant with the lowest roof in Mexico provides us with a telling glimpse of the ladies’ dynamic this season. Brandi and Kary dance barefoot on the table which grosses Kameron (and me) out, especially since the table dance was pre-dinner. That’s only the beginning of the crazy.

Remember how I said this girls’ trip was about tequila and tortilla chips? Well, here’s the very reason why. Shenanigans ensue and Drunk D’Andra insists that Kary and LeeAnne re-hash the room sharing issue. It’s all a misunderstanding. Things are quickly rehashed and resolved.

But let’s be real. Drunk D’Andra steals this episode. Drunk D’Andra and her Spanx.

The Conflicts

The funny thing about combining two episode recaps is that most of our story arcs resolve them from one week to the next.

Last week Kameron called Brandi trash, felt pretty bad about it, and apologized this week. In the midst of the finger-pointing and napkin-throwing, we wonder if there will be a speedy relationship recovery. Alas, a contrite Kameron reaches an understanding with Brandi, especially after LeeAnne offers some perspective about how words can be triggers.

The reconciliation causes some collateral damage with LeeAnne because she is deliberately cut out of the make up conversation. I see other conflicts brewing here — LeeAnne and Brandi; LeeAnne and Stephanie because Brandi might stir up some stuff over all of the suicide talk; more LeeAnne and D’Andra — let’s see where it goes.

Careyes Self Care

Second only to D’Andra’s Spanx are the unconventional adventures in self-care our Dallas Housewives embark upon in these two episodes. First, there’s the huge meditation bowl where everyone magically looks great laying down. The ladies spend some time reflecting and atoning in the Copa, and everyone except Kameron seems moved by the experience.

Real Housewives of Dallas Mexico meditation bowl

The day (or week in TV time) after their enlightening sound bowl experience, the ladies are covered in mud and lured back into the womb. The pregnant healer steals the show with the greatest irony in RHOD history.

Real Housewives of Dallas Mexico Recap Careyes

The ladies sweat and reflect on their self-improvement. Most interesting here are the intentions they all set for themselves before being “reborn” out of the human-cooking clay oven. D’Andra’s are clearly aimed at LeeAnne who is obviously absent from the womb saying she didn’t feel included in the experience.

Regardless these Careyes self-care scenes are fantastic! If only they had tried walking across that bridge…

The Housewives return to Dallas next week detoxified and refreshed and ready for state-side drama. There is lots more to come this season. In the meantime rest up and hydrate, it’s going to be a great week!

Real Housewives of Dallas D'Andra Simmons Blog

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RHOD Recap – Episode 3

Our favorite Dallas Housewives travel to Careyes to celebrate D’Andra’s 50th birthday, dish about prenups, and take a ride on the Tragedy Train.

In honor of the Real Housewives of Dallas girls’ trip to Mexico, let’s spice it up a bit, shall we? I think a highlight reel of the Episode 3 revelations is the best way to proceed with this recap. And there’s a lot going on tonight so let’s start unpacking this (suitable for commercial flights) luggage.

Put on your fabulous metallic bathing suits and pour a margarita, everyone!

Here’s what we learn in tonight’s episode…

Jeremy does laundry. D’Andra doesn’t.

The feminist in me just loves that this hot house husband (Stephanie’s roast, not mine) is called out for doing the laundry by his wife!

Real Housewives of Dallas Jeremy D'Andra

LeeAnne is good at getting free stuff for her wedding.

LeeAnne Locken Wedding Dress

The scene where LeeAnne visits Nardos to design her wedding dress is — in the words of my 6th grader — cringey. I’m not sure if everyone was on the same page when the budget talks started, but Steve, the dazzling wedding planner, handles it like a boss. We’re seven weeks from the wedding, and there’s one thing we know for sure about that free dress — it will have a train as long as a…

Stephanie Sees a Life Coach

She and the kindergarten version of herself work on pervasive issues of low self esteem and anxiety. I love moments of venerability from my favorite housewives — they are so important for the ‘real’ part of reality tv.

D’Andra’s Priorities (in order)

  1. Hair Emergencies
  2. Sleep
  3. Meeting with Travis

Careyes is a two hour drive from Puerto Vallarta.

Well, first we learn that Careyes is a beautiful coastal city in Mexico with a scary bridge across the water. But we have to get there by traveling via an annoying van trip through what can only be described as the ‘real’ non-resort-esque Mexican countryside. Better use the potty at the airport next time, ladies!

D’Andra’s a slob, and she owns it.

LeeAnne likes to sleep alone.

Listen, girl, I am with you on this one.  While I appreciate Kary’s effort to use sleeping arrangements as a way to unhinge the bestie brigade, grown-A women don’t need to share a bed to feel close. Clearly the seven-bedroom compound has room enough for everyone.

Real Housewives LeeAnne

Kameron’s Superlatives

  1. Most likely to get lost in the airport on the way to college.
  2. Most likely to be on the cover of Cosmo.

Looks like Kameron hasn’t changed a bit since high school. Could we love her any more?!?

D’Andra dated Eduardo’s brother!

And had she known about the Careyes vacation home, she might have made more of an effort in the relationship. (Guillermo is still single, ladies!)

Kary has her own jewelry line.

In the fight against the insulting infantile spousal allowance, Kary and Kameron bond over having their own money by way of their separate businesses. Now onto a collab – edible pink dog bracelets!

All About the Prenups

Kary has one. Stephanie has one. Jeremy has one. Kameron has one too.

Brandy doesn’t. And LeeAnne, well she’s a fourth-wife-lifer so no apparently there’s no need.

We also confirm what many of us already know — sometimes prenups include a weigh-in provision for wives. And it’s not just a Dallas thing. Rest assured, y’all, there’s no weight requirement for Mrs. Westcott, and she has a clever cupcake plan if anyone tries to change it.

The tragedy train has left the station.

We end the episode with some pretty heavy dinner conversation. While the other ladies do their best to stay out of the fray (Brandi is snoring away in her room), Kary and LeeAnne swap tragic stories of their upbringing.

Kary’s mom was an alcoholic and blew through all of her family’s money.

LeeAnne doesn’t want children because of her rough childhood. And she was molested over a shockingly long period of time. And she’s attempted suicide three times. Things get uncomfortable and tense, and we see LeeAnne’s fearlessness shine once again, albeit irascibly, in her confrontation with Kary.

I can’t wait to see what we learn next week! Until then…

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